Okay, I'm putting my knit baby blanket aside for two reasons:
1) Because I couldn't get the gauge right. I have only been knitting for four months, so I'm still not the best at it. I tried doing separate squares but it was hard to sew them together. I'm also not good at sewing knit/crocheted fabric together, so it looked rather hideous. I then got the bright idea of knitting in strips: sort of like knitting a scarf, changing the colors as needed to form a row of blocks. For some reason the green section was shorter than the white section. Ugh.
2) I found out that the baby shower for the girl I'm making the blanket for is in two weeks. The group is throwing an early shower for her and I want to have the blanket done in time to present it to her. I can crochet faster, so I've change my plan over to a crocheted baby blanket. Which is something I've done a dozen times. Pretty fool-proof. Of course, I'm itching to try a new pattern, but I just don't have the time to experiment or to hunt down the right yarn. The local craft shops only have the bare basics type of yarn (it took them six months to start carrying Debbie Stoller's Stitch Nation brand). I'm kind of quirky about wanting the yarn that the pattern recommends. Plus I'm just not good at substituting yarn.
So I'm back to the tried and true method. I have to say, it's getting dull, but on a strict time line, it's do-able. I'm still going to be pushed, but I can crochet up a baby blanket by Oct. 14.
I think....