Saturday, September 3, 2011

suddenly, posting again...

Okay, finally updating after 8 months....

I finally decluttered my stash by giving it away! I sent a box full of yarn up to an old high school friend who teaches in NYC and happens to be in charge of the knitting club at her school. It felt so nice to get rid of yarn that I had no desire to make anything with, plus the added bonus of knowing that it's going to good use.

I'm currently working on a shawl for Reformation Sunday. It will be on October 30th this year. Traditionally, you wear red that day, so I figured I would make a lovely red shawl to wear to church (and then I will have said lovely red shawl to wear all winter because it gets rather nippy in our church during the winter months). I'm about half-way done, so there is actually hope at me finishing it before Oct. 30.

I also have two commissions for berets. I had given one to my co-worker and she went and showed it off to other co-workers and let them know how easy it would be for me to stitch one up if they would like to purchase one. I just hope they turn out nicely; it's one of my biggest fears of giving away something and then it unraveling the first time they try to wash it (especially when I give away baby blankets - so far I've only had two recipients comment on how much they love theirs...and I can't help if all the others are thrown away, in some deep recess of an attic or worse - fell apart within days and they're just too nice to tell me the truth.)

Other than that, I have a ton of projects I want to do and just not enough time to do them all. But isn't that every knitter's dilemma?

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