Normally I crochet rather loosely and several projects have taught me to automatically start with the hook size down from what the pattern calls for. So I picked up the B hook (cringing at its smallness) and worked up the swatch. What should have been 4 x 4 was 4 x 3.5.
So I decided to actually use the size C hook that the pattern called for (feeling more than a little surprised). The resulting gauge was 4 x 3.5.
The stupid things are identical. Absolutely identical (well except where you can see I accidentally added a stitch).
At that point, I was getting more than a little frustrated, so I have yet to make a third swatch (my next plan of action is to use a size D hook), but I am seriously perplexed as to why the gauge is identical even though the hook size was different. Did I really crochet that differently in the span of a few minutes? And it definitely doesn't really inspire me and get me exited about doing the whole darn thing when I'm having so much trouble with the gauge swatches! So any words of wisdom would be appreciated. Otherwise, I'm going to just keep plowing on.
Not sure why the gauge swatches came out the same with different hooks but I would recommend blocking your swatches to 4x4 and seeing which one looks better. Once you've blocked them you may find that the smaller hook is adequate and allows the pattern to show more accurately. Hope that helps...if you haven't already finished this project that is ;)